Frimærker og Posthistorie
Viser 16 resultaterSorted by price: low to high
The British Postal Agencies in Mexico City, Vera Cruz and Tampico etc. by John M. Heath
50,00 kr.The British Postal Agencies in Mexico City, Vera Cruz and Tampice 1825. 1876. By John M. Heath, Published by Robson Lowe. (BOM-0747).
Canada Precancels, Official Catalog of. By H. G. Walburn 1983
50,00 kr.Official catalog of Canada Precancels. H. G. Walburn. Publisher Gilbert W. Noble 1983.
Postvæsenet i Odense 1624- 1983 af Kim Jørstad
60,00 kr.Postvæsenet i Odense 1624- 1983. Af Kim Jørstad, Odense Universitetsforlag 1983. (BOM-0079).
Postage Stamps of Hawaii by Walter M. Giffard
60,00 kr.Descriptive catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Hawaii By Walter M. Giffard, Honolulu. (BOM-0752).
Irish Provincial Penny Post af F. E. Dixon
60,00 kr.Irish Provincial Penny Post af F. E. Dixon, Dublin 1984. 20 sider. (BOM-0848).
Civil Censorship in the United States During WW II by W.N.Broderick etc.
75,00 kr.Civil Censorship in the US during WWII. By Wilfrid N. Broderick and Dann Mayo. Published by the Civil Censorship Study Group 1980. (BOM-0749).
Postage stamps and Postal History of Western Australia by Mogens Juhl
100,00 kr.Postage Stamps and Postal History of Western Australia by Mogens Juhl. Volume 1. (BOM-0753).
Russian Postmarks, an introduction and guide
150,00 kr.Russian Postmarks, an introduction and guide. A.V.Kiryushkin and P.E.Robinson on Barefoot 1989. (BOM-0885).
British New Guinea and Papua 1885-1942, The postal history
150,00 kr.British New Guinea and Papua 1885- 1942. The postal history. Roger Lee for Robson Lowe 1983, (BOM-0887).
Kongelige Danske Postvæsen gennem 300 år.- Jørgen Bergsøe
150,00 kr.Det Kongelige Danske Postvæsen gennem 300 år, 1624- 1924. Festskrift redigeret af Jørgen Bergsøe.
J.H.Schultz 1924. (BOM-0892). -
Dan Sterup Hansen, Frimærker
150,00 kr.Dan Strrup Hansen , Frimærker. Limited udgave, 630 numererede eksemplarer, signeret af forfatteren. udgivet 1973 på forlaget Sommersko. BOM-0986) (Udgået eksemplar fra Horsens Bibliotek).
The Postage Stamps of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia by Nicholas Argenti
200,00 kr.The Postage Stamps of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia by Nicholas Argenti. Publisher Quarterman, NY 1976. (BOM-0676).
Russian postal Censorship 1914- 1918
200,00 kr.Russian Postal Censorship 1914- 1918. (Engelsk og Tysk tekst). Udgivet af Köniklijke Postzegelvereniging van het Land van Waas St. Niklaas 1990. (BOM-0884).
Siberia, postmarks and postal history of the Russian Empire period
250,00 kr.Siberia, postmarks and postal history of the Russian Empire period med supplementsbind. P. E. Robinson 1987 og 97. (BOM-0886).
The Postal History of British Malaya, Vol. 1, 2,& 3 af Edward B. Proud
450,00 kr.The Postal History of British Malaya Vol 1, 2, & 3 by Edward B. Proud. 1st edition 19—. (BOM-0745).
Post & Telegrafvæsenets historie (i 5 bind) af Otto Madsen m.fl. 1991
500,00 kr.Post & Telegrafvæsenets historie i 5 bind. Af Otto Madsen m.fl. Udgivet af P & T 1991. (Som nye).